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Overview #

My current research interests are focused on leveraging near-term quantum computers to solve problems in various domains, which include but are not limited to:

  • Simulation of many-body systems: creating exotic phases of matter, simulating phase transitions, improving techniques for Hamiltonian simulation with the help of machine learning, etc.
  • Optimization: exploring quantum optimization algorithms, such as the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE), etc. and their applications in life science problems such as protein folding and drug discovery
  • Machine learning: developing and benchmarking quantum machine learning algorithms for electronic health records, medical imaging, etc.

Things I have worked on in the past:

  • Topological materials: investigating novel spin/charge transport phenomena in topological semimetals, such as Weyl and Dirac semimetals
  • Dark matter models: studying the phenomenology of dark matter models in theories with a gauged baryon symmetry

Publications #

  1. Kostas Blekos*, Dean Brand*, Andrea Ceschini*, Chiao-Hui Chou*, Rui-Hao Li*, Komal Pandya*, and Alessandro Summer*, A review on Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm and its variants, Phys. Rep. 1068, 1 (2024).
  2. R.-H. Li*, P. Shen*, and S. S.-L. Zhang, Tunable spin-charge conversion in topological Dirac semimetals, APL Mater. 10, 041108 (2022).
  3. R.-H. Li, O. G. Heinonen, A. A. Burkov, and S. S.-L. Zhang, Nonlinear Hall effect in Weyl semimetals induced by chiral anomaly, Phys. Rev. B 103, 045105 (2021).
  4. P. Fileviez Pere*, E. Golias*, R.-H. Li*, C. Murgui*, and A. D. Plascencia*, Anomaly-free dark matter models, Phys. Rev. D 100, 015017 (2019).
  5. P. Fileviez Perez*, E. Golias*, R.-H. Li*, and C. Murgui*, Leptophobic dark matter and the baryon number violation scale, Phys. Rev. D 99, 035009 (2019).

[*]: denotes equal contribution

Talks #

Miscellaneous Notes #